Modelos de Simulacion. Vensim. Dinamica de Sistemas. Modelos de Simulacion. Vensim. Dinamica de Sistemas. Modelos de Simulacion. Vensim. Dinamica de Sistemas. Vensim.

Boletín de Dinámica de Sistemas

Vensim Fast Guide


This book is the fastest and cheapest way to learn the use of Vensim. The book allows the reader to acquire step-by-step in a time-efficient and uncomplicated the knowledge in the formation and construction of dynamic models using Vensim.

Many times, the models are performed with minimal current data and very few historical data, the simulation models that the student will design in this course accommodate these analyses, with the construction of realistic hypotheses and elaborate behavior models. That's done with the help of software Vensim that helps the construction of the models as well as performing model simulations

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Modelos de Simulacion. Vensim. Dinamica de Sistemas. Modelos de Simulacion. Vensim. Dinamica de Sistemas. Modelos de Simulacion. Vensim. Dinamica de Sistemas. Vensim.