Technology Substitution on a Limited Market, The Innovation Multiplying Factor and its Consequences. A System Dynamic Approach.
Authors: M. in Sc. BERNAL- PÉREZ Rolando*, Dr. Martín García Juan**, Bio. Calluela Diana**.
e-mail: quesadilladesesos@yahoo.com, jmarting@catunesco.upc.edu
7th International Conference of Sociocybernetics "TECHNOLOGY AND SOCIAL COMPLEXITY"
Technology substitution process can be modeled for technology based limited market. New product usually get a competitive advantage by improving certain capabilities or performance in technical key factors. Then a gap is established. This gap can be expressed as a multiplying factor of technology. By knowing this factor and other key factors such as loyalty, return cycles and stock turnaround, market behavior can be modeled under a systemic approach, and decision making can be done. This modeling reduces uncertainty and allows a better understanding of complex processes such as technology substitution.
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* PhD Student at the UPC´s UNESCO Chair on Sustainability, National Autonomic University of Mexico (UNAM) teacher.
** UPC. Sustainability UNESCO Chair collaborator.
Address: UNESCO Chair on Sustainability Office, Bui. TR1 UPC. C. Colom no.1, 08222 Terrassa, Spain.