1. Paperback (20 €)

2. Ebook Kindle (8 €)

3. Ebook Google (5 €)

Creating a simulation model with System Dynamics is not easy, there is the risk of making serious mistakes that force the model to remain unfinished after having dedicated days of work.
There are books and courses which show the steps to be taken in the process of creating a simulation model, but it is observed that some errors are repeated frequently. This book offers a different approach, instead of explaining how to create a simulation model, it shows the mistakes that are usually made.
      The book is designed for students who are looking for a quick manual to identify the most common mistakes made when creating simulation models by applying System Dynamics, to correct them before presenting their research or work.
      The experts will find in this book a list of points to check before making a presentation to their clients.
      The content of the book allows the reader to identify the errors described and take them into account before submitting or publishing a work.


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