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Creacion de Modelos
- Dynamic Landscape Simulation Modeling
- done at the Geographic Modling systems Laboratory. at the University of Illininois, Urbana.
- Mathematical Modeling
- Materials about Mathematical Modeling and Simulation, provided by the Connected Curriculum Project of Frank Wattenberg, Montana State University (1998/05/08)
- Modeling with Molecules
- Molecules are the building blocks of good system dynamics models. A service of the Vensim people. (1998/11/16)
- Modeling & Simulation
- An Introduction by Gene Bellinger, OutSights
- Mediothek: Modellierung und Simulation
- Systemdynamische Modelle für den Schulgebrauch bei learn:line; betreut von Goldkuhle, Kohorst und Portscheller
- Simulation und Modellbildung
- Site von Joachim Wedekind, DIFF; mit Materialien und Links. (1997/03/20)
- Tom Fiddaman's SD Model Library
- An excellent collection of SD model resources (with links). (1998/05/08)
- SimCentral
- The Modeling and Simulation Network, with online resources, informations and support for industrial modeling and simulation needs.
- CreditSim
- Business Simulation Software by Paradigm Business Simulators AS
- Dynasys
- Eine einfache schulorientierte SD-Software mit graphischem Interface (ähnlich STELLA, Powersim) von W. Hupfeld. Dynasys ist kostengünstige Shareware! (01.05.99)
- Extend
- Simulation Software (mainly designed for technical applications) from Imagine That Inc.
- GAMMA- Das PC-Werkzeug für vernetztes Denken
- Eine qualitativ orientierte Modelliersoftware der Fa. UNICON zur Darstellung von Wirkungsnetzen
- Millennium Institute: Threshold 21
- An Integrated Assessment Tool for National Sustainable Development Decisions from the Millennium Institute.
- Modeling with Molecules
- Molecules are the building blocks of good system dynamics models. A service of the Vensim people. (1998/11/16)
- Powersim
- Homepage of the makers of Powersim, a simulation language using Forrester's stock-flow-diagrams for model developement..
- Powersim USA
- SD-Software
- Kommentierter _berblick über verschiedene System-Dynamics Softwareprodukte, inkl. Anbieteradressen.
- A Strictly Declarative Modelling Language, developed at the Centre for Policy Modelling at Manchester Metropolitan University, UK.
- SimApp: Simulationssoftware
- SimApp ist eine grafisch orientierte Software zur Modellierung und Simulation von dynamischen Systemen speziell in der Regelungs- und Messtechnik.
- SIMCON: Vensim-Download
- Informationen zu Vensim, Download der Vensim Demo und Vensim PLE
- STELLA®: Software for Education
- THE classical graphics oriented system dynamics simulation software for Mac and Windows!
- Vensim® Personal Learning Edition
- An excellent FREE version of VENSIM for educators and students.
- what If?
- Learning Simulators designed for use in classroom, developed by ROBBERT Associates Ltd.
Recursos en la Red
- Bellinger's Musings
- Gene Bellingers page with many system-related resources.
- Simulation und Modellbildung
- Site von Joachim Wedekind, DIFF; mit Materialien und Links. (1997/03/20)
- Didaktik der Systemdynamik
- Einführung in die systemdynamische Modellbildung und Simulation von G. Ossimitz; mit Online-Materialien und Links.
- SD Forum
- Eine schöne Site von SD-Freaks der Unis Mainz und Mannheim mit wirtschaftsorientierten Einführungsmodellen in Powersim.
- System Dynamics and Systems Thinking
- SD - Resources of G. Ossimitz
- System Dynamics Resource Page
- Page of Craig Kirkwood at Arizona State University; especially a VENSIM PLE quick reference and tutorial in PDF-Format.
- System Dynamics und Controlling
- Informationen, Links und Materialien zum Thema vom Lehrstuhl fuer Controlling am Institut für Wirtschaftswissenschaften der Universität Cottbus, Germany.
- System Dynamics: Tools and Resources
- A Page of the Maryland Virtual High School at Montgomery Blair High School
- Systemlearning.com
- An "Online Educational, SystemsThinking Resources and Shopping Store" with lots of links and banners to educational and commercial sites.
- Systems Thinking Practice
- A interdisciplinary web-site of the St. Galler Zentrum fuer Zukunftsforschung with Information and links about soft modeling, hard modeling, learning organization, systems science, organizational developement ...
- Associazione Italiana per la Ricerca sui Sistemi (Italian Association for Research on Systems)
- Centre for Policy Modelling
- at Manchester Metropolitan University, UK
- Centro Universitario Studi Aziendali System Dynamics Group
- A group at the University of Palermo, Italy with a page in Italian and English.
- Centre for Research on Simulation in the Social Sciences
- at the Univ. of Surrey, UK (1999/03/23)
- CUSA - System Dynamics Group at University of Palermo
- A new site of Carmine Bianchi, in Italian and English
- Deutsche Planspiel-Zentrale
- firmiert seit 1989 auch unter dem Namen "European Network for System Simulation and Management Gaming".
- Dutch Institute of Systems and Control
- The DISC is interuniversity research institute by the Universities of Eindhoven, Delft and Twente.
- Federation of European Simulation Societies
- IIASA Home Page
- The International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis ( IIASA) is a non-governmental research organization located in Austria. International teams of experts from various disciplines conduct scientific studies on environmental, economic, technological and social issues in the context of human dimensions of global change.
- Industrieseminar Uni-Mannheim
- am BWL-Institut der Uni Mannheim (Prof. Peter Milling) (some short Info also in English)
- Institute for Didactics of Physics (Univ. Bremen)
- At the Institute for Didaktics of Physics at Bremen University (Germany) Prof. H. Niedderer and Doz. H. Schecker are working on SD approaches for teaching physics, using STELLA software.
- ISG (Uni Magdeburg)
- Institue for Simulation and Graphics, Magdeburg)
- Lehrstuhl Psychologie II: Forschung
- Am Lehrstuhl von Prof. Dietrich Dörner wird kognitionspsychologische Forschung zum Thema "Komplexes Problemlösen" betrieben.
- NASA Systems Thinking Program
- A Site of the NASA Langley Research Center.
- NECSI - New England Complex Systems Institute
- "The New England Complex Systems Institute (NECSI) is an independent educational and research institution dedicated to advancing the study of complex systems."
- The Society For Computer Simulation International
- Strategic Decision Simulation Group
- System Dynamcis in Education Project (Jay Forrester, MIT)
- Software Process Modelling
- A group around Prof. Collofello (Arizona State University) uses SD-techniques for modelling software design processes.
- St. Galler Zentrum für Zukunftsforschung
- The St. Gallen Center for future research is part of the Swiss St. Gallen University. It offers an interesting site about system research issues.
- System Dynamics Group
- The System Dynamics Group of London Business School works on topics variously described as system dynamics, systems thinking and strategic modelling.
- System Dynamics Group (MIT)
- Jay Forrester, J. Sterman are Members of this Groupt at the Sloan School of Management at MIT, Mass.
- System Dynamics Society
- The Office Web Page of System Dynamics Society
- Waters Center
- The Waters Center serves as a research, demonstration, and training site for educational applications of system dynamics.
- The World Game Institute is a not-for-profit education and research organization concerning critical problems facing global society.
- WSD Institute Page
- Antioch University Seattle offers a Master Degree in Whole Systems Design
- Beratung Learning Organisation
- Unternehmensberatung, die mit STELLA und ithink arbeitet.
- Cacit S.A.
- Cacit is located in Argenina and offers Powersim-based business simulators. The site is in Spanish.
- Cherwell Scientific Publishing
- Offers ModelMaker, a scientific modeling and simulation software.
- Cognitus Ltd on the Web
- Cognitus offers a complete range of Systems Thinking & System Dynamics Support Services
- Decision Dynamics Inc. (1999/03/23)
- is a small firm in Bethesda, Maryland: specialized in System Dynamics Modelling of defence issues.
- Decision Support Associates
- DeSA is a firm in Delaware, USA, offering a "Business Learning Platform", a business oriented simulation system.
- Die Denkfabrik
- A german consulting firm, using business simulators and SD-tools (among others). - Eine deutsche Beratungsfirma, die u.a. Business-Simulatoren und Systemdynamikwerkzeuge einsetzt.
- disce GmbH
- Deutscher Anbieter von Powersim Produkten u.a.
- Forrester Consulting
- Site of Nathan B. Forrester's Consulting firm.
- HELP Auditing Informatico
- HELP is an Italian consulting firm with a web-page in Italian and in English.
- Henderson Bay Cybernetics
- HBC is a System Dynamics - Systems Thinking development and consulting group.
- A consulting firm offering a systems oriented approach to organizational developement. (Do not confuse with High Performance Systems (HPS, the makers of STELLA and ithink!)
- High Performance Systems, Inc.
- Home-Page of the Makers of STELLA and ithink Simulation Software.
- HVR Consulting Services Ltd
- A British Consulting firm using methods from different fields (Operational Research, Cost Analysis, Risk Management, Hazard Analysis and System Dynamics).
- Imagine That, Inc.
- Makers of Extend Simulation Software.
- Inspiration Software Inc.
- Their software "Inspiration" is designed for "qualitative modeling" (flow diagrams, outlines...)
- Knowledge Revolution
- offers the educational Simulation Software "Modellus" (mainly for Math & Physics)
- Landair International
- A British firm doing "combat simulation" and "Business Process Management" using SD tools.
- Live To Learn
- offers training and articles about organizational change.
- Millennium Institute
- Sustainable Development Resources et. al.
- Moeck Software
- Deutscher Anbieter von Management-Simulationen auf Basis verschiedener Produkte (ua. CreditSim, ProModel)
- Ostinato
- A consulting firm located in New York, saying: " Where Systems Thinking Meets the Web (TM)"
- PA Consulting Group
- uses System Dynamics through Pugh-Roberts Associates for Business modelling
- Paradigm Business Simulators
- Makers of CreditSim Business Simulation Software.
- Pegasus Communications
- A major publisher of SD literature; organizes the "Systems Thinking in Action Conference"
- Phrontis Limited
- Phrontis Limited works to promote the effective use of systems thinking in organizations.
- Powersim
- Homepage of the makers of Powersim, a simulation language using Forrester's stock-flow-diagrams for model developement..
- SIMCON Managementsimulation & Consulting
- System-Dynamics-Consulting, System-Dynamics-Seminare, deutscher Vertrieb von Vensim®, Anbieter von Planspielsoftware
- STC Home
- The Systems Thinking Collaborative is a networked consulting practice dedicated to applying systems thinking and system dynamics.
- Strategic Decision Simulation Group
- is specialized in dynamic modeling in decisionmaking for different business fields.
- Sustainable Solutions, Inc.
- A systems oriented consulting firm.
- Systems Thinking Collaborative
- is a consulting group dedicated to applying systems thinking and system dynamics.
- Systems Thinking Institute
- offers seminars and trainings for individuals and firms.
- The Systems Thinking Company
- provides management and technical education and consulting.
- Thinking Systems Inc.
- A marketing firm located in California.
- Vensim Homepage
- Page of the Makers of Vensim Simulation Software. Here you can download the free Vensim PLE educational simulation software.
- TLA Inc.
- The Leadership Alliance Inc. offers workshops about systems thinking and organizational learning.
Modelos en la Red
- Biosphere 2 Center
- Projects about evaluation of data of our biosphere
- Computers in Physics Education
- Sample STELLA models, provided by the Niedderer/Schecker group at the Univ. Bremen, Germany.
- Fraktale, Chaos
- Dynamical Systems and Technology Project (USA)
- Modellbildung und Simulation: Modellsammlung
- Eine Site von W. Hupfeld mit Beispielen und Download-Möglichkeit von Dynasys. (1998/11/16)
- Mediothek: Modellierung und Simulation
- Systemdynamische Modelle für den Schulgebrauch bei learn:line; betreut von Goldkuhle, Kohorst und Portscheller
- Modeling with Molecules
- Molecules are the building blocks of good system dynamics models. A service of the Vensim people. (1998/11/16)
- Road Maps
- introductory course materials to system dynamics (collected by SDEP, MIT)
- Systemanalyse: Fallstudie "Stadtverkehr"
- Eine Seite zur qualitativen Modellierung von Fragen des Stadtverkehrs,
- System Dynamics Modeling in Physics Education
- A web site of Hans Niedderer and Horst Schecker, Univ. Bremen (Germany).
- Threshold 21
- Vensim-Models about National Sustainable Development, offered by Millennium Institute
- Tom Fiddaman's SD Model Library
- An excellent collection of SD model resources (with links). (1998/05/08)
Cursos y Programas
- Earth System Science Community
- at Gonzaga High School, Washington DC
- LaRC Systems Thinking Program
- A Site of the NASA Langley Research Center abotu their Systems Thinking / Productive Conversation Program
- Master programme in System Dynamics
- by Pal Davidsen of the University of Bergen, Norway.
- MIT SDEP Guided Study Program (GSP)
- The Guided Study Program in System Dynamics is an " Experiment in Distance Learning" introduced by the System Dynamics Education Project group at MIT (Jay Forrester et al.)
- New England Ecological Economics Group
- offers SD-oriented PhD Studies in Ecological Economics at the University of New England, Amidale, Australia
- Online - Kurs zur Didaktik der Systemdynamik
- Online-Lehrgang von G. Ossimitz (im Aufbau, mit Downloadbaren Materialien und Links)
- Road Maps
- introductory course materials to system dynamics (collected by SDEP, MIT)
- Systems Thinking & Practice
- a cross disciplinary course offered at the Oregon State University
- Where Can I Study System Dynamics?
- An Info-Site of the MIT about SD-Courses around the world.
- Umweltsystemwissenschaften
- In Interdisziplinärer Studiengang an der Universität Graz, Austria.
- MIT Advanced Study Program
- MIT offers an Advanced Study Program in System Dynamics for Distance Students.
- A Systems Perspective
- An interesting Paper about SD in mining industry.
- Applied Systems Thinking
- by Curt McNamara
- Articles and Whole Bunch of Other Stuff
- provided by SquareWheels
- Bellinger's Musings
- Gene Bellingers page with many system-related resources.
- Business Dynamics Papers
- Selected SD-related articles of the McKinsey Quarterly.
- Complete List of Papers of the 1996 SD Conference
- Including Links to Papers Available on the World Wide Web
- Conflict Analysis of Policy Stakeholders
- In this paper Naiyi Hsiao, University at Albany, NY combines Judgment Analysis and SD modeling methods.
- Die lernende Organisation
- Examensarbeit von Gerald Lembke
- Development Of Systems Thinking Skills
- An online paper of G. Ossimitz. This paper gives an overview about the research on System Dynamics and systems thinking education. (1997/04/02)
- Dynamic Decision Making
- A literature review of Theories of Dynamic Decision Making, provided by Naiyi Hsiao.
- Feedback about Feedback
- An article of Fred Nichols (The Distance Consulting Company, NJ)
- Forschungsstrategien beim "Komplexen Problemlösen"
- Eine kritische Diskussion der deutschsprachigen kognitionspsychologischen Forschung zum Systemdenken von J. Funke.
- G. Ossimitz: Systemisches Denken und Systemisches Management
- Vortrag bei der Tagung "Systemorientierte Ansätze in Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft"
- Hexagons for systems thinking
- A curious article of Anthony M. Hogson
- How to Find "Structure"
- by Richard Karash, Boston.
- ISDC '97 Virtual Proceedings (Accepted Papers)
- Downloadable papers of the 1997 System Dynamics Conference.
- Outcome Feedback for Dynamic Decision Making
- An outline of Naiyi Hsiao's dissertation.
- Papers zur Modellbildung und Simulation
- zusammengestellt von J. Wedekind, DIFF Tübingen, Germany.
- Simulation Dyn. Vorgänge
- Bericht über ein Schulprojekt zur Didaktik der Systemdynamik von M. Berberich (Mannheim)
- Soft Systems Methodology
- A with a number of links to SSM articles and resources.
- Spiel und Wirklichkeit
- Ein Paper von D. Dörner und H. Schaub zum komplexen Problemlösen in computersimulierten Szenarien.
- System Dynamics in Software Project Management
- A paper of Alexandre G. Rodrigues and Terry M. Williams, Department of Management Science, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland
- System Dynamics Index of Papers Online
- The System Dynamics Group of MIT offers some papers for download.
- Systemic Thinking Skills
- Robert Dilts: Learning to Learn Systemic Thinking Skills
- Systemtheorie - Vorlesung (Prof. Mulej)
- Eine Vorlesung von Prof. Matjaz Mulej zur Dialektischen Systemtheorie an der Uni Graz.
- Systems Thinking
- An interesting paper of Gus Neverman et al. about systems thinking.
- The Appendix Effect
- An Article of Joseph O'Connor
- The Art of Systems Thinking
- An excerpt of a paper by Joseph O'Connor and Ian McDermott
- The Developement of System Dynamics Thinking Skills
- a paper of G. Ossimitz, published in an electronical volume edited by the German Gesellschaft für Didaktik der Mathematik.
- The Global Citizen: A Column by Donella Meadows
- All biweekly articles from May 1996 until present for download.
- Vernetztes Denken für die strategische Führung eines Zeitschriftenverlages
- Ein Vortrag der St. Gallener Wirtschaftsprofessoren Peter Gomez und Gilbert J.B.Probst.
- Vernetztes Denken
- Einführung von M. Berberich, Mannheim
- Vom Linearen zum vernetzten Denken
- Ein Paper von Wolfgang Kraschinski, Fa. BLO (Beratung Learning Organisation) in Buchholz (DE).
- Systems Thinking and Systems Dynamics
- A paper by Mario deSantis
- 1999 System Dynamics Group Publications List
- A long list of papers available from the System Dynamics Group at MIT.
- BookWatch: Systems Thinking
- Some Systems Thinking books reviewed.
- Creative Learning Exchange (CLE)
- Lee Stuntz's huge collection of online materials about teaching SD
- fieldbook.com
- A site related to the Fifth Discipline Fieldbook of Peter Senge et. al.
- Jerry Weinberg's Books
- Includes some books about Systems Thinking and Systems Design
- Modeling Dynamic Systems
- A book series at Springer Verlag. Editors: Matthias Ruth and Bruce Hannon.
- Desert Island Dynamics
- John Sterman's and Anjali Sastry's list of essential SD-literature.
- Productivity Press Online Catalog
- A Publisher of SD books.
- Review of The Fifth Discipline
- by John Paul Fullerton
- SD books at Pegasus Communications
- Pegasus Communications offers now many of the classical SD books of Forrester, Meadows, Richardson and other top authors.
- A description of some of Jay Forrester's books (like "Urban Dynamics", "World Dynamics")
- Jeri's Systems Thinking/Theory Research
- Mostly links (uncommented), some information about Peter Senge's "Fifth Discipline".
- Paradigm's Web Links
- of Paradigm Business Simulators, Netherlands
- SDM Research Page: Links To Related Topics
- A structured SD links page of the System Dynamics Modeling Group at Arizona State University. (1999/03/23)
- Smart Bookmarks
- A compilation of Systems Related Links on the World Wide Web by Bill Braun
- SystemAnalysis - Links
- A System Analysis oriented link list.
- System Dynamics Institutionen
- Link-Liste von Institutionen, die mit dem System-Dynamics Ansatz arbeiten.
- System Dynamic Links
- provided by Forrester Consulting
- System Dynamics on the World Wide Web
- A page maintained by John H. Saunders.
- Systems Links by Bill Braun
- Tom Fiddaman's SD Bookmarks
- Tom's link-list is well organized and up-to-date!
- 2000 International System Dynamics Conference (Aug 6 - 10, 2000)
- "Sustainability in the Third Millennium" is the theme of this conference, hosted by the Department of Information Science at the University of Bergen, Norway.
- Systems Thinking / SD in National Security (15-18 May 2000)
- A conference held at the National Defence University, Washington D.C.
- Systems Thinking in Action Conference Sept. 1999
- by Pegasus Communication Inc.
- Systems Thinking Workshop (30-31 Aug 1999)
- offered by Paradigm Business Simulators; Bergen, Norway.
- Dynamic Modeling Workshop July 1999
- held at July/12th - 15th at the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences at the University of Illinois, at Urbana.
- Systems Thinking Seminar
- A seminar held by International Teaching Seminaries in London in July 1999.
- ISDC '99 -- Wellington, New Zealand (1999/07)
- The 17th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society "Systems Thinking for the Next Millennium"
- Russell Ackoff Systems Conference
- A Conference to Celebrate the Work of Russell L. Ackoff on his 80th Birthday and Systems Theory and Practice held in April 1999.
Juegos de Simulacion
- Beer Game Site at MIT
- One of the most popular Systems Thinking games!
- BeerNET Home Page
- a computerized version of the beer game, provided by Ravi Anupindi et. al.
- Computerized Beer Game
- A page of David Simchi-Levi, Northwestern University, Illinois.
- ecopolicy
- Das Simulations- und Strategiespiel von Frederic Vester
- Ökolopoly - Rezension
- Eine Besprechung von Vester's Simulationsspiels "Ökolopoly".
- Powersim© - The OilFund WebSim
- In the OilFund simulator you are invited to play the role of the Norwegian Prime Minister.
- Powersim© - The BeerGame WebSim
- The Beer Game is a classic simulation originally developed at The Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Sloan School of Management in the 1960s.
- SimZine
- A java-based simulation game developed by a cooperation of Powersim and Kellog Graduate School for Management
- About WebSims
- Powersim Metro introduces the concept of WebSims; a simulation of some phenomenon that can be played as a game on the Internet.
- Cogwheel school restructuring
- The Swedish Cogwheel Model for School Development
- Computer simulation of societies
- A page of the Centre for Research on Simulation in the Social Sciences; Univ. of Surrey, UK
- Cybernetics and Systems Thinkers
- A useful list of the "most influental theorists in the field of cybernetics an systems theory, with links to their biographies, info about their work...", provided by Principia Cybernetica Web. Ashby, Forrester, Maturana, von Neumann, Glasersfeld, Watzlawick, Wiener are just some of these listed here...
- Cybernetics and Systems Science
- A page of Principia Cybernetica Web, with many links to further ressources.
- Dialog on Learning Organizations
- Richard Karash maintains a Site devoted to Peter Senge's Concept of Learning Organizations. Maintains a mailing list and dicussion forum.
- General Theory of Religion
- Mystical Union with GOD modeled with STELLA (a serious site by A. Wolpert)
- K-12 Email Discussion Group
- is provided by the System Dynamics Group at MIT.
- Organizational Fitness Homepage
- A web site of Peter Pick with numerous informations and links concerning organizational developement.
- Pattern Recognition Systems
- Istvan Banhegyi's page about pattern recognition with many links to Chaos Theory, Complexity Theory and Neural Networks.
- Principia Cybernetica Web
- The aim of th Principia Cybernetica Project (PCP) is the development of an evolutionary-systemic philosophy.
- sistémika: pensamiento sistémico
- A site of Ricardo Sotaquirá (Venezuela, in Spanish); with information about SD books, articles and SD links.
- System-Dynamics Mailing List
- The email discussion forum of the SD community.
- The Society for Organizational Learning
- with links to some reagional SoL-Sites and a
SoL-related search engine.- Thinkers and Visionaries on the Net
- Links with WWW resources of many prominent thinkers of different ages.
- Y2K and Systems Thinking
- A funny page of John Witherspoon.
Systems Thinking
- Hexagons for systems thinking
- A curious article of Anthony M. Hogson
- Jeri's Systems Thinking/Theory Research
- Mostly links (uncommented), some information about Peter Senge's "Fifth Discipline".
- Systemdenken
- Eine Lexikondefinition des Begriffes
- Systemic Thinking Skills
- Robert Dilts: Learning to Learn Systemic Thinking Skills
- System Dynamics Example
- Michael Goodman and Richard Karash propose a six-step approach to thinking systemically.
- System Thinking resources
- provided by the Lambent.com site.
- Systems Thinking
- An interesting paper of Gus Neverman et al. about systems thinking.
- Systems Thinking
- A paper of Gene Bellinger, Outsights
- Systems Thinking
- A slide show about the subject, provided by Marcus Lynch at University of West England, Bristol.
- Systems Thinking
- An article of Peter Senge
- Systems Thinking & Practice
- a cross disciplinary course offered at the Oregon State University
- Systems Thinking Background
- A page of Prontis Limited, a firm working "to promote the effective use of systems thinking in organizations."
- Systems Thinking exercise
- provided by Joseph O'Connor
- Systems Thinking Page by Ricardo Sotaquirá Gutiérrez.
- This web site is dedicated to systems thinking, mainly to interpretive systemology and system dynamics.
- Systems Thinking
- Holger Nauheimer says: "You Can't Have the Butter and the Money from the Butter"
- Systems Thinking Practice
- A interdisciplinary web-site of the St. Galler Zentrum fuer Zukunftsforschung with Information and links about soft modeling, hard modeling, learning organization, systems science, organizational developement ...
- Systems Thinking Primer
- A site of John J. Shibley (Portland Learning Organization Group)
- Systems Thinking: what & why
- A short info page about the topic by CC&S Management Consultants.
- Systems Thinking - Magellan Group
- Systems Thinking, seen as a part of Strategic Modelling by the people of the Magellan Group.
- The Thinking Page
- By Daniel Aronson. Contains a section devoted to systems thinking.
- Welcome to Systems Thinking
- A Page by Ricardo Sotaquirá in English and Spanish.
- Whole Systems
- A Site of the World Transformation Organization about "Whole Systems" (with links, book-infos etc).
- Whole-Systems Thinking
- Article with links (Dennis Cracken)